Maxwell Sturdivant
- he, him, his
- Ph.D. Candidate
- Office:
- PLPM 116
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Phone:
- 215-694-6205
- Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxwell-sturdivant-868a67142/
- Undergraduate Education
- B.S. Plant and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University
- Awards
- • Awarded first place in the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology Annual Graduate Student Poster Symposium (advanced career) Competition (College Station, TX; April 2024)
- • Awarded first place in the American Phytopathological Society – Southern Division Graduate Student Oral Presentation Competition (Columbia, SC; February 2024)
- • Awarded first place in the Beltwide Cotton Conferences – Disease Council Graduate Student Oral Presentation Competition (Ft. Worth, TX; January 2024)
Areas of Expertise
- Row crop pathology
- Cotton pathology
- Biology and edaphic interactions of Phymatotrichopsis omnivora
Professional Summary
Max Sturdivant is a graduate student in the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at Texas A&M. Max primarily works on Phymatotrichopsis omnivora – the causal agent of cotton root rot. In his research, Max is evaluating the effect of soil type and amendment addition on P. omnivora sclerotia production and hyphal growth, identifying the microbiota associated with sclerotia and hyphae of the fungus, and assessing fungicide sensitivity in P. omnivora isolates.
- BASF 2024 Innovation Field Day, June 2024.
- Spoke about corn diseases.
- Matagorda County Row Crop Tour, June 2024.
- Spoke at the corn, cotton, and sorghum stops about diseases in those crops.
- M. Sturdivant. “Scouting for cotton diseases”. Crop Protection Network, Virtual Crop Scout School.
- Pathogens, Society, and the Environment (PLPA 314)
- Guest lecture – Fighting Fungal Foes: A Look into Fungicides, University Extension Services, and Regulation
- Undergraduate Plant Pathology Lab (PLPA 303)
- Served as a lecturing TA during the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters.
- Molds and Mushrooms (BESC 204)
- TA for Dr. Brian Shaw during the Spring 2022 semester – led exam review sessions and gave two full-length lectures.