Brian D. Shaw
- he, him, his
- Professor and Associate Department Head for Academic Affairs
- Focus Area: Fungal Biology, Microscopy
- Office:
- 301 PLPM
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Phone:
- 979-862-7518
- Website: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=QPASPFIAAAAJ&view_op=list_works
- Undergraduate Education
- B.A. Michigan State University - Multidisciplinary
- Graduate Education
- Ph.D. Plant Pathology, Cornell University
- Post-Doctoral, University of Georgia
- Courses Taught
- BESC 204 Molds and Mushrooms: The Impact of Fungi on Society and the Environment
- PLPM 606 - Fungal Biology. Graduate course that takes an overview of the kingdom Fungi with emphasis on current cell biology.
- PLPM 690 - Theory of Research. Graduate seminar with emphasis on paper writing.
- BESC 484 Field Experience
- PLPM 685 Directed Studies
Areas of Expertise
- Fungal Biology
- Cell Biology
- Fungal Growth and Development
Fungal Biology, Microscopy
Professional Summary
Brian Shaw, Ph. D. is a Professor and the Associate Department Head in the Texas A&M University Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology. His research and teaching interests are in fungal biology. Using the tools of cell biology and microscopy, he address how fungi develop specific cell types necessary for growth and disease causation. Recent work has expanded to the use of fungi in the production of biodegradable biocomposite materials. He has attracted more than $4 million in research funding. He is a fellow of the Mycological Society of America and the former Managing Editor for the society journal, Mycologia. He is a recipient of the William H. Weston teaching award from the Mycological Society of America and a Texas A&M Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award for teaching.