Ashrafou Ouro-Djobo
- Program Specialist
- Office:
- Room 220, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Weslaco
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Undergraduate Education
- B.S., Agronomy, Lomé University (Togo)
- Graduate Education
- M.S., Plant Protection and Improvement, Joseph Ki Zerbo University (Burkina Faso)
- M.S., Plant Pathology, Texas A&M University (USA)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology, Texas A&M University (USA)
Areas of Expertise
Pathogen surveillance, Diagnostic, Etiology, Molecular epidemiology, and Disease
Professional Summary
Ashrafou Ouro-Djobo, Ph.D., is a Program Specialist at the Texas Plant Virus Diagnostic
Laboratory. Prior to this role, he served as a Research Assistant at the Togo Agronomic
Research Institute for six years. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from
Texas A&M University under the mentorship of Dr. Young-Ki Jo and Dr. Olufemi J. Alabi
respectively. With over a decade of expertise in plant pathology, his work spans field
surveys, laboratory diagnostics, and pesticide trials, specializing in advanced molecular
techniques for pathogen detection and characterization. He is a Fulbright Alumnus and
a member of the American Phytopathological Society (APS). He actively contributes to
pathogen surveillance efforts in Texas, focusing on improving crop health and resilience
through interdisciplinary research approaches.