Keith Jordan
- Manager, HSE & ESG Program Delivery
- Email:
- kjordan1997@comcast.net
Professional Summary
Job duties:
- Provide leadership toward implementation of an integrated Operational Management System (OMS), driving enhancement of existing management systems to include more robust sustainability themes and expectations
- Create, implement, and manage sustainability requirements that will be compliant with an appropriate International Standards.
- Maintain effective project implementation and program governance, managing risks, issues and interdependencies
- Conduct research and benchmarking to support program vision and develop sustainability program roadmap
My current role is a key integration point for enhancement of inter-disciplinary improvement in our sustainability aspirations. Leveraging previous strong performance with current industry practice as well as synthesizing new sustainability expectations will drive operational excellence for the entire enterprise.
What are you passionate about?
I have extensive experience helping companies mature in the practices of operational risk management, safety, environment, and sustainability. I’m passionate in reducing complexity through transparency — motivating teams to pursue more efficient, value-producing, pragmatic outcomes. I strongly believe in the power of a collaborative, cross-disciplined approach to solving problems, driven from keen leadership insights, underpinned by a culture of learning and improving. I support a progressive, accountability-based organizational cultures and frameworks that protects quality of life, demonstrates environmental protection, and preserves shareholder value.
Describe your educational history:
Texas A&M University
Bachelor of Science, BioEnvironmental Sciences
Magna Cum Laude, 1997
University of Arkansas
Master of Science, Operations Management
Auburn University
Master of Engineering
2023, Candidate
What advice would you give current Aggies interested in entering environmental industry?
The field of environmental management is exceptionally broad. My advice as a young professional is to be open-minded. Let your ambition and curiosity help define the course of your career. Whether exploring options in government, academia, consulting or industry, there is a part to play and collaborative relationships to develop. Remain open to new ideas and new ways to solve problems.
If you were entering the enviromental industry toady, area would you pursue? Why?
To me, some of the more interesting trend lines in environmental management center around decarbonization and the energy transition – which also require and macro-level understanding of economics and geopolitics. In addition, there is an emerging need for professionals to frame sustainability management portfolios and disclosure standards.