Craig Holloway
Professional Summary
Current Position
Senior Chemical Engineer
Team Leader
Industrial Water/Wastewater Treatment Practice Leader
Job Duties
Evaluating technologies, providing conceptual and process designs, estimating capital and operating costs, coordinating detailed design, and providing startup, troubleshooting, and operator training services. Mr. Holloway’s areas of experience include developing conceptual and process design packages for industrial water and wastewater, hazardous waste treatment, chemical demilitarization, and alternative energy facilities.
Holloway, C.S., “GRI Testing of ARI-LO-CAT II for the Direct Treatment of High-Pressure Natural Gas at NGPL’s Kermit, Texas Site,” GRI-96/0007, Final Report, Gas Research Institute, March 1996
Fain, Stephen, Craig Holloway, P.E., William Heath, Wayne Lundberg, George Walters, and Don Ficklen. “Electrical Resistance Heating Under an Active Industrial Plant.” Proceedings of Battelle Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, The Second International Conference, Monterey, California, May, 2002.
Peacock, Derek, Stephen Fain, Craig Holloway, P.E., Greg Beyke, P.E., and George Walters. “Electrical Resistance Heating Source Removal Under an Active Industrial Plant.” Proceedings of Battelle
Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, The Fourth International Conference, Monterey, California, May 24-28, 2004.
What are you passionate about?
Water and wastewater treatment
Describe your educational history
B.S. Chemical Engineering, 1986 Texas A&M University
Registered Professional Engineer, Texas (Chemical)
What advise would you give to the current Aggies interested in entering environmental industry?
Keep project portfolio broad enough to stay busy, but narrow enough to become an expert in something
Constantly build technical, business, and communication skills (don’t over do one, while neglecting the others)
If you were entering the environmental industry today, what area would you pursue? Why?
Remediation of emerging contaminants [1,4-Dioxane, perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)]
Environmental management information systems (EMIS)